Angels Reach
Masters Academy
About Masters Academy
Angels Reach believes that the greatest responsibility of educational institutions rests not only upon facilitating the development of each student's cognitive and academic abilities to their maximum potentials in order to open all possible future opportunities for personal and career success, but that education is charged with facilitating community and humanitarian development beyond personal needs. We recognize that we are truly shaping tomorrow's leaders today through our unique Ambassadors Leadership Development Program which provides daily instruction and real-life experience in applying individual skills to a greater cause.
Students who attend the Angels Reach Masters Academy learn to learn together. Each student is valued for his or her individual gifts and strengths, and is also taught to carry on continual self-analysis in the pursuit of personal and community support. Our focus is to assist our Regular Education and Gifted/Advanced Education students to develop the capacity to:
- Become aware of the needs of others,
- Develop the sensitivity and motivation that drives effective citizenship, and
- Foster the self-discipline, organizational skills, and commitment to vision that ultimately creates a more balanced, more prosperous global community.

Distinguished by
The Angels Reach Masters Academy was established to meet the need for a true, academically and personally challenging program for students who may achieve at average levels, but who have the capability and potential to succeed at much higher levels. By supporting each student's individual self-directed learning and executive functioning skills, along with guiding day to day in-house opportunities to serve as mentors and community leaders, Angels Reach Masters Academy is able to effectively develop mature, civically conscious and pro-active individuals, capable both of succeeding in their future university and professional careers, and creating meaningful contributions to society.
The Angels Reach Masters Academy is distinguished by:
- Unparalleled low ratio of instructors to students, averaging 1 instructor per 3 students, within very small classroom groups.
- Proprietary leadership and mentorship development program culminating in a Leadership Certificate confirming long-term personal commitment to peer and community support, as desired by colleges and universities
- Unique educational programming that bridges the best research-based academic and socio-emotional support practices.
- State certified, degreed and intensively trained educators who also earn certification as Behavior Technicians and who additionally model community involvement.
- Intensive and continual in-house training ensuring that all teachers, assistant educators, counselors and supervisors are qualified to support multiple learning modalities and teaching practices.
- Mastery and Project Based Learning enabling individual academic self-direction and goal-directed growth in pro-active students.
- Participation in community based academics, S.T.E.M., arts and literacy competitions.
- Preparatory education made affordable through non-profit organizational support
- Nurturing environment where a child’s individual strengths, needs and interests are regularly monitored and challenged.
- Proven and established since 2004 to be uniquely effective at supporting maximum development in children.

Be an angel
With the support of individuals and corporations, Angels Reach has the ability to touch the hearts and change the lives of the children who study in our School. It is with great pride that we acknowledge and thank our donors and sponsors for their acts of kindness and generous support.